Sign #1: A false Twin Flame will regularly abandon you.
They will find ways to separate and get away from you. They will not be interested in spending a long period of time with you, because they are not designed to be around you and they have a different energy.
Sign #2: A false Twin Flame will lie to you about who they really are.
They will try to take as much of your love as possible without wanting to give love back and you will feel drained afterwards instead of energized like with your true Twin Flame.
Sign #3: A false Twin Flame will not share your vision for the future.
They will not align with your future plans and they will not desire to experience the same things than you.
Sign #4: A false Twin Flame will not share all your deepest core values with you.
They will also not desire to do the inner work with you to discover your values together.
Sign #5: A false Twin Flame will try to hide their true selves from you.
They are not willing to share honestely the deepest parts of themselves with you, even if cornered or persuaded to do so.
Sign #6: A false Twin Flame will not align with your lifestyle.
They will not be able to live a peaceful life and partnership with you and they are not complementing you in your everyday life and they don't want to do the same things than you.
Sign #7: A false Twin Flame will not be able to go deeper with you.
They will not be able to grow with you together and they will not mirror your own core choices back to you. They will prevent you from going deeper, no matter what you do.
Sign #8: A false Twin Flame will not adore you above all others.
They will be more interested in enjoying your presence now as you are, but they don't want to invest in you and they have also other love interests.
Sign #9: A false Twin Flame will not heal with you and don't make the same choices.
They will look on the surface like your true Twin Flame, but whenever you heal and choose love at the core, they will choose separation over unity, while your true Twin Flame would mirror your core choice of love and be unified with you.